Tag Archives: Friends Of The Library Dundee Inc (Florida)

Free Movie Night Presentation “Boss Baby” ….

The next ‘Free Movie Night Presentation’ here at the Dundee Public Library will be the box office animation smash hit ‘Boss Baby’ , featuring the voices of Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Tobey Maguire and Lisa Kudrow. The movie’s showing will take place on Friday 15th September at 6:30 pm.

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Due to the limited capacity for the showing , please note those wishing to bring their children along for this event will have to register the names of the children in advance of the showing. This can be done in person here at the Dundee Library or by phone simply providing the staff with the details required (name of those attending along with a contact number).

Friends of the Library Dundee Florida and the Dundee Public Library are the co-hosts of this event.

Picture gallery.

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee, FL 33838
Telephone number : (863) 439-9424

Friends of The Library Dundee Florida Inc
PO Box 1467
Dundee , FL 33838-1467

2016 Annual Spaghetti Fundraiser

It’s that time of the year again , Friends of the Library in conjunction with the Dundee Public Library will be presenting their Annual Spaghetti Fundraiser . This event will be held on Thursday 3rd November at the Dundee Community Center located at 605 Lake Marie Boulevard , Dundee , FL 33838 and will start at 11:00 am. And in keeping with our previous theme for Spaghetti Fundraiser , everything is freshly prepared with regard to the main course. Walk-in orders are welcome at the venue (Dundee Community Center) on the day.

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All proceeds raised from the Spaghetti Fundraiser will go towards our Christmas toys for the children within the community .

Menu: Spaghetti and Meatballs
Garlic bread , Dessert and drink

Price $9.50 per person
We ask that you pre-order your spot for the event in advance . Delivery is available upon request, but will be for multiple orders only.






To place an order , simply contact Rukhsana Harper : (407) 247-8906 or Julie Feagle at the Dundee Public Library : (863) 439-9424 Orders can also be made and paid for at the Dundee Public Library .

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee , FL 33838

Friends of The Library Dundee Inc
P O Box 1467
Dundee , FL 33838-1467

September, Florida Literacy Month …

The month of September is Florida Literacy Month and the state will be celebrating this in a very special way. State parks will be offering free admission to visitors to any of their parks and who bring a library card or donate a gently used family book .

So make a day of it, by joining in this, celebrating the event. Starting the 10th September and through to the 12th of September 2016 will be the days , during which entrance will be free for all visitors to the Florida State Parks.

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee , FL 33838

Friends of The Library Dundee Inc
PO Box 1467
Dundee , FL 33838

Division of Library & Information Services
Tallahassee , Florida
Website : http://dos.myflorida.com/library-archives

Dundee Public Library’s Final Event of their Summer Reading Program

Dundee Public Library’s Final Event of their Summer Reading Program

Wednesday, 19th August,2015 and the Dundee Public Library held its last scheduled event held at the Dundee Community Center, encompassing the Summer Reading Program. To mark the occasion Library Superintendent Julie Feagle and the program’s resident story-time teller Mary-Ann Podbielski , volunteer with the library as well as also being a board member of Friends of The Library Dundee Inc , organized a Black To School Supply Drive for the children in attendance. Issued were school supplies which included the usual assortment of goods needed for their return to school. The kids and their parents were appreciative of the donated items and the volunteers present were equally appreciative of the turnout and graciousness shown by the attendees.

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Our Kids’ Story-time Reading Mornings will resume in October and will be presided over by Mary-Ann Podbielski. Please be on lookout for this information and other events scheduled by the Dundee Public Library and Friends of The Library Dundee Inc. Simply visit, either their Facebook page or their respective websites for information concerning the scheduled events and other projects associated with the library and FOL (Friends of The Library Dundee Inc)

Picture gallery. Click on an image to view that picture in a reformatted size alongside an accompanying narrative .

The staff of the Dundee Public Library and volunteers as well as the board members of Friends of The Library would take this opportunity to thank the parents , daycare centers and children who attended our events over the Summer, making them all such a resounding success. We look forward to your participation in another year of spectacular events, planned for the Summer of 2016 and hope you are able to make part of your schedule for next year.

Dundee Community Center
605 Lake Marie Drive
Dundee, FL 33838

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee, FL 33838-1000
Telephone number : (863) 439-9424
Facebook.com : http://facebook.com/DundeePublicLibraryFl
Website : http://dundeepubliclibraryflorida.wordpress.com

Friends of The Library Dundee Inc
P O Box 1467
Dundee , FL 33838-1467
Telephone number : (407) 247-8906
Facebook.com : http://facebook.com/FriendsofTheLibraryDundeeFl
Website: http://friendsofthelibrarydundee.wordpress.com

Back to School Bash & School Supplies’ Drive

The Dundee Public Library in conjunction with the Friends of The Library Dundee Inc will be organizing a final Summer Reading Program event which will be staged at the Dundee Community Center , Dundee , Florida on Wednesday 19th August , 2015. As usual the scheduled time for this activity will be from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM, with refreshments being served( snacks and a drink), crafts and other fun-filled activities taking place throughout the morning’s festivities. Mary-Ann Podbielski , the Library’s resident story-time teller will be on hand to conduct the morning’s scheduled event.

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Scheduled activities will include the customary story-time , superhero craft making and a prize draw for two lucky winners, where the winning prize recipients, will each receive an assortment of back to school items (backpack filled with school requirements) .

Please note the event will require the preregistration of the children wishing to attend Wednesday’s activity and it is imperative that parents , guardians and caregivers register their the children prior to the day of the morning’s staged activity. Simply call in or telephone the Dundee Public Library and speak with a staff member, leaving them all of the pertinent information required to have your child registered for the event.

Picture gallery. Simply click unto the chosen frame and you enlarge that picture and see the accompanying narrative associated with the image chosen.

Should you also wish to donate to the Dundee Library’s Back to School Supplies’ Drive , a list of the items sought can be viewed by visiting the Facebook pages or websites of the Dundee Public Library and Friends of The Library Dundee Inc. Details of which can be seen below or obtained from the Library upon request.

Dundee Community Center
605 Lake Marie Drive
Dundee, FL 33838

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee, FL 33838
Telephone number : (863) 439-9424
Facebook.com : http://facebook.com/DundeePublicLibraryFl
Website : http://dundeelibrary.wordpress.com

Friends of The Library Dundee Inc
PO Box 1467
Dundee, FL 33838-1467
Facebook.com : http://facebook.com/FriendsofTheLibraryDundeeFl
Website : http://friendsofthelibrarydundee.wordpress.com


Water Safety Program presented at the Dundee Community Center, Dundee, Florida

Once again the Dundee Public Library Florida and Friends of The Library Dundee Inc presented (15th July, 2015) another Summer Reading Program event at the Dundee Community Center, Dundee, Florida. Presenter at the event, was Miss Julie from the Department of Children & Family Services as she talked about the safety issues faced by the young ,which relates to Water Safety. One should note, annually drowning deaths among juveniles, are one of the most alarming statistics correlated by the CDC. The emphasis of the lecture was that of water safety and the preventing of accidents from happening either at a pool in the family home, a public swimming pool, lake or at the beach.

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In attendance for this presentation were children from two local daycare centers within the Town of Dundee, Little Land Early Learning Center , Stay & Play along with several children accompanied either by a parent or guardian.


With the audience seated , the program began with Julie informing the children of the dangers being unaccompanied in close proximity of water. With so many juveniles not being able to swim , deaths from drowning have reached an alarming level as seen from the statistics provided by the CDC (Center For Disease Control)

After the presentation the children were then allowed to be part of the usual customary activities organized by Mary-Ann Podbielski , the Library’s story-time teller and volunteer with the Dundee Library. It has been through Mary-Ann’s nonstop efforts and diligent work the Library and Friends of The Library have been able to organize and conduct these planned activities as part of our Summer Reading Program.

Also on site were the Books Bridge Bookmobile a regular attendee, providing the children with free reading material (book), as well as the Summer Florida Food Program, with their providing the children with a free nutritional meal .

Picture gallery. By clicking on an individual frame you can view that picture in a reformatted size along with an accompanying narrative.

For more notifications of future planned events , please visit our respective Facebook pages and websites for the latest information, other regular updates and planned activities.

Center For Disease Control (CDC)
Website : http://cdc.gov

Florida Department of Children & Family Services
Website : http://myflfamilies.com

Dundee Community Center
605 Lake Marie Drive
Dundee, FL 33838

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee , FL 33838
Telephone number (863) 439-9424
Facebook.com : http://facebook.com/DundeePublicLibraryFl
Website : https://dundeelibraryflorida.wordpress.com

Friends of The Library Dundee Inc
P O Box 1467
Dundee, FL 33838-1467
Facebook.com : http://facebook.com/FriendsofTheLibraryDundeeFl
Website : http://friendsofthelibrarydundee.wordpress.com

Hearing Loss Association of America Seminar (Lakeland Chapter)

Patrons and guests, the Dundee Public Library in conjunction with the Friends of The Library Dundee Inc and the Hearing Loss Association of America Inc , Lakeland Chapter will conduct a seminar at the Dundee Public Library , Dundee . Florida on Thursday 28th May,2015 at 6.00 PM. The presentation is in observance of Hearing Loss Awareness Month. This seminar will be conducted by Elaine Goddard , President of the Hearing Loss Association of America Inc , Lakeland Chapter .


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Topics of Discussion:

Causes of Hearing Loss
Statistics on Hearing
Treatment Options
How To Cope
Methods To Help Communicate
Assisted Listening Services
Hearing Loss Support Meetings

There is plenty of help available , you are not alone. If you wear a hearing aid , a cochlear implant or just have hearing challenges , then you are one of the 17% of adults or 3% of school age children in the U.S . with hearing loss .

This will also be of special interest to retired military veterans who suffer with hearing loss and who at present find it difficult to get the assistance needed with their being facilitated with a device . The HLA might be able to provide an additional avenue of help for these retirees in particular.

For more details on the event please call the Dundee Public Library at the following telephone number (863) 439-9424 or Friends of The Library Dundee Inc (407) 247-8906

Elaine Goddard , President , Hearing Loss Association of America – Lakeland Chapter


By clicking on the frame shown you can view this picture in a reformatted size alongside a narrative.

Hearing Loss Association of America Lakeland Chapter

Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee, Florida , 33838
Telephone number : (863) 439-9424
Facebook.com : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dundee-Library-Florida/1446399932239169

Friends of The Library Dundee Inc
PO Box 1467
Dundee, FL 33838
Telephone number: (407) 247-8906
Facebook.com : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-of-The-Library-Dundee-Florida/358152347683988

Dundee Library’s Conversion From To An E-Library (Express Library)

Dundee Library’s Conversion From To An E-Library (Express Library)

With the recent conversion of the Dundee Public Library from a conventional lending Library to an E-Library (Express Library) wherein the inventory carried by the facility will be books no more than five years old by popular authors of fiction and non-fiction covering the years from 2009 to 2014. However, if a patron seeks a book or books that do not fall within the parameter years stated and it is an item you have a wish to obtain as part of your reading material to be loaned from the Dundee Library, arrangements can be made to reserve that item, if it is available within the Polk County Library Cooperative System or from farther afield. You can make that request by asking a Library staff member to reserve the book or books in question and you will be duly notified, when the book is available for pickup. The same would apply to an E-book available to be downloaded via the PCLC Overdrive format, although notification , would come directly to your e-mail.


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On Tuesday, 27th January, 2015 the Dundee Public Library transitioned through to an E-Library and on hand for the official unveiling of this event were members of the Town Council, led by Mayor Sam Pennant , Town Manager Ryan Taylor , Assistant Town Manager Deena Ware , other civic and local dignitaries. The Library’s Staff members were on hand, along with volunteers from Friends Of The Library, charitable organization which assists in raising much-needed funds to aid in the funding of resources for the Library ,as well as the charity’s own programs, which includes a Summer Reading Program and other activities scheduled throughout year, conducted by Friends Of The Library in conjunction with the Library. Rukhsana Harper, President of the charity , along with volunteers Mary-Ann Podbolski and Alan Parkins were also in attendance for the event.

Ryan Taylor emceed this event, congratulating the Library Staff and the volunteers of Friends Of The Library for making the transition such an effortless ordeal. Granted, behind the scenes, with such planning, there tends to be one or two hiccups along the way, but in the end, this proved to be a success. Library Superintendent Julie Feagle, along with her immediate staff members, Eileen Young and Kahliyah Monroe were commended for their efforts by the Town Manager and those sentiments were shared by the Mayor, Sam Pennant, council members Bert Goddard, Willie Quarles , Steve Glenn and Jeanne Irwin.

In moving forward, the Dundee Public Library will offer the same courteous and professional service from a staff willing to assist the patrons meeting their needs and of the venue’s services, which include a fax-service, notary , laminating and photo-copying service and scanning (patrons must supply their own flash-drive for the scanning service) . Any questions you might have concerning any other activities or services provided, can be addressed to the staff on hand or calling the number detailed below for the Dundee Library.

If you would like to become a volunteer with either the Library or Friends Of The Library, offering your time for a few hours a week or as needed, then please take the opportunity let a staff member know of your availability, leaving your name and a contact number where you can be reached.



Picture gallery.

The staff and volunteers of the Library would like to take this opportunity to thank those in attendance for the facility’s new unveiling and hope to see you all, as well as regular patrons and visitors new to the area making use of the services available at the Dundee Library ! So just drop by, come on in and see what we have to offer . You might just like what you see and then continue to make repeated visits, because of the friendly atmosphere, a great meeting place to make new friends and getting to know the area.

(1) Guests , library staff members , volunteers and town council members are seen here at the official unveiling and conversion of the Dundee Public Library and its change in status from a convention to an E-Library (Express Library). . In the foreground is Council Member Steve Glenn (yellow shirt) . The event took place on Tuesday , 27th January, 2015. Light refreshments were served for the guests in attendance.

(2) The Library’s circulation desk , often scene of patrons seeking to loan a book from the staff , is now the scene of silence, as the guests and town dignitaries peruse the facility to view the recent changes made .

(3) A scope of the Library’s interior from the main entrance presents a better view of the facility . Pictured in the background are Rukhsana Harper , President of Friends Of The Library Dundee, right, Ms Glady Roberts second from the right , Head of the Polk County Library Cooperative , FOL & Library volunteer and in-house technical specialist Alan Parkins , whose back faces the camera .

(4) Marissa Hoskins , a frequent patron of the Dundee Library , is seen here in the foreground embracing FOL President Rukhsana Harper , as Town Manager Ryan Taylor greets the Town Council members , guests , Library Staff and volunteers, as he delivers his speech welcoming those in attendance at the Dundee Library’s official changeover from a conventional lending Library to an Express Library or E-Library as it is more commonly known . The changes made will better serve the community and patrons at large.

(5) Town Manager Ryan Taylor right delivers his speech to those in attendance . To Ryan’s immediate right , are Mayor Sam Pennant , council member Jeanne Irwin , Polk County Sheriff”s Official Sgt Rivas and to her immediate right , council member Steve Glenn .

(6) Mayor Sam Pennant (left), listens intently as Town Manager Ryan Taylor congratulates the Dundee Library Staff led by Library Superintendent Julie Feagle , assisted by Kahliyah Monroe and Eileen Young . Also assisting in the efforts , were Friends of the Library members Karen Weston , Mary Ann Podbolski , Rukhsana Harper and Alan Parkins . It was a smooth transition for this changeover, as those participating made this maneuver all the more effortless, with their joint cooperation in working together to facilitate the changes sought.

(7) Pictured are left , Elaine Goddard , wife of council member Bert Goddard , to her immediate left and Library Superintendent Julie Feagle .

(8) The children’s room of the Library , where all of the books covering the AR (accelerated reading) collection is housed, alongside our children’s fiction and non-fiction titles . The open area , also shows where the kids’ computers (seven) are sectioned within the library.

(9) Mayor Sam Pennant delivers his speech to the Town Council members , guests and staff of the library and volunteers. The mayor specifically signaled out the hard work of the Library’s Staff , headed by Julie Feagle , who is ably assisted by Kahliyah Monroe and Eileen Young. Mayor Pennant , also praised the efforts of the Friends of the Library volunteers for their collective and cooperative efforts in assisting with the facility’s smooth transition and change to an E-Library.

(10) Council member Bert Goddard delivers his speech, praising the Library staff and volunteers in taking the lead in making the changeover a success. Bert also happens to be the town’s liaison committee member for the Dundee Library. Elaine Goddard (right) , wife of the council member, is the Chairperson for the Dundee Library Committee and the Lakeland Chapter President for the HLA (Hearing Loss Association of America) .

(11) Council member Willie Qaurles is seen here in attendance for the Dundee Library’s recent changeover. Councilman Qaurles shared the same sentiments of this fellow council members and administrative staff in their praise of the Library’s staff and volunteers.

(12) Rukhsana Harper , Friends Of The Library President is seen here with Elaine Goddard , left, as her name is being mentioned and praised for her efforts in leading her members in assisting with the Dundee Library’s transition to an E-:Library. Attending members from the FOL were Alan Parkins and Mary-Ann Podbolski .

(13) The children’s seated area within the Dundee Library . The area will be utilized a great deal of the time when it is in use for many of the activities conducted Library volunteer Mary-Ann Podbolski , who also presides over the Summer Reading Program, an initiative sponsored by the Friends of the Library Dundee.

(14) Council member Jeanne Irwin is seen here inspecting one of the aisles within the Library , perusing the books on display.

(15) Dundee Town Manager Ryan Taylor is seen here with Friends of The Library President Rukhsana Harper .


NB: Fax, laminating, notary, photo-copying and scanning services are priced, for which details are available upon request and also stated in print ,within the Library. (Scanning service price will be based on volume, but the first twenty pages are free)

Julie Feagle, Library Superintendent
Dundee Public Library
202 East Main Street
Dundee , FL 33838
Tel (863) 439-9424
E-mail: dundeelibraryflorida@gmail.com
Website: https://dundeelibraryflorida.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dundee-Library-Florida/1446399932239169

Rukhsana Harper, President Friends Of The Library Dundee Inc
PO Box 1467
Dundee, FL 33838
Tel (407) 247 8906
E-mail: friendsofthelibrarydundee@gmail.com
Website: http://friendsofthelibrarydundee.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-of-The-Library-Dundee-Florida/358152347683988?ref=hl