Town of Dundee Annual Christmas Gathering (2015) …


The Town of Dundee held their annual Christmas Day gathering and the venue for this year’s event was held at the Outback Steakhouse in downtown Winter Haven, Florida. On hand were the town’s employees, volunteers and members of their family who were there, as invited guests. Mayor Sam Pennant , Town Manager Ryan Taylor and Vice Mayor Steve Glenn represented the town’s civic members at the function.

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Dundee remains a growing community and the approximately 3,800 residents have seen growth, aesthetic measures still ongoing , to change the image of the town and to the benefit of the community at large. Mayor Pennant chose this occasion to recognize contributions and efforts of not just the employees of the town , but also the significant contributions made by the town’s volunteers through Friends of The Library Dundee Florida Inc , and the growing influence and raised profile of the Dundee Chamber of Commerce and the new Executive Director Nancy Hicks .

Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent and Library volunteer Steven Kwasnicki
Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent and Library volunteer Steven Kwasnicki

Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent for the Dundee Public Library was on hand with staff members Eileen Young and Kaliyah Monroe , each were rewarded for their continued service to the library and the fact the venue has become so popular among the town’s residents and a number of guests from farther afield. Julie remains resolved in her wish to make the Dundee Public a growing influence within the community and the tie-ins now taking place with Friends of The Library Dundee Inc and their ongoing outreach programs and initiatives with the community each year.

With the FOL President Rukhsana Harper unable to be at this town’s Christmas Party , due to illness. and it was left to fellow volunteers and board members , Mary-Ann Podbielski and Alan Parkins to represent charity in Rukhsana’s absence. Both Mary-Ann and Alan were recognized for their volunteerism with Friends of The Library and continued association with the Dundee Public Library.

Mary-Ann’s story-time sessions and many of the activities and programs she presides over with Rukhsana, have now become appreciated by the town’s civic members, the library , but most of all by the children, who are the main recipients of the goodwill shown.

Alan Parkins , for his part, remains the ever-present individual there at the library, providing the staff with whatever technical assistance he can provide concerning computer issues and just aiding the staff as needed in general. Both volunteers were recognized for their efforts and so too was Rukhsana Harper in her absence.


Alan Parkins ,left , is seen here with Town of Dundee Assistant Vice Mayor Steve Glenn as he receives a civic award for contributions and volunteerism within the Dundee Library as well as being a board member for Friends of The Library Dundee Inc . This was the second civic award received by Alan in the last four years in recognition of his diligent and thankless efforts devoted to the Dundee Public Library as well as to Friends of the Library (FOL) where he is a board member of the charitable organization.


What lies ahead for the Town of Dundee in 2016, can only be judged by the aspirations sought and the efforts being put forth by town’s commissioners, staff and its volunteers. If it can be reminiscent of the achievements made this year, then the town’s residents and the community at large can feel proud of those goals.

As we close out the year, I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of the Dundee Public Library and Friends of The Library Dundee , to wish you all a Merry Christmas , a peaceful and Prosperous New Year !



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