All posts by Dundee Public Library Florida

A local community library in Polk County Florida , that is affiliated with the Polk County Library Cooperative . The library serves the town and residents of Dundee , Florida , as well as local visitors to the area from across the country and various parts of the world . Interim Library Director Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent is aided by two part-time employees and additional volunteers from the Dundee Friends of the The Library Dundee Inc . The Dundee Library is also an E Library (Express Library) offering the latest hardback and parper-back editions of fiction and non-fiction titles . These titles cover many of the most popular authors, with the subject material no older than three years. However, requests can be made for many of the most popular and classic pieces of literature and acclaimed novelists. The Dundee Library also offers a facsimile (fax) service , photo-copying , laminating , notary service and technical assistance (computer) to members of the public . Hours of operation : Mon to Fri: 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM Saturday: 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM

March Book Sale …

Book Sale
Saturday 7th March, 2015
Dundee Community Center
105 Center Street,
Dundee , FL , 33838

The Dundee Public Library in conjunction with the Friends of the Library Dundee Inc will be holding a Book Sale on Saturday, March 7th 2015 at the Dundee Community Center 105 Center Street, Dundee , Florida 33838 . A formal time for the proposed scheduling has yet to be arranged , so please be on the lookout for upcoming postings on this event as we move closer to the aforementioned date. For further details and information please do not hesitate to contact staff members of the Dundee Library at the following telephone number (863) 439-9424 or by e-mail or visit our Facebook page: . You may also visit Friends of the Library’s Facebook page :


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Further details will be provided on the pages in question and if you choose to do so, please do not hesitate contact us leaving your questions concerning the event and a staff member will gladly provide any assistance possible, in aiding you, concerning your inquiries .

The Dundee Libary in conjunction with Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library Dundee in conjunction with the Dundee Library and the Library’s Staff invite you to attend the library’s Grand Reopening from a convention lending facility to an E-Library still offering the usual services but now also offer wide variety in terms of books with an accent on the latest popular authors. This event will take place on Tuesday, 27th January, 2015 at 6.30 PM and will be open to Dundee’s residents, library patrons and guests, where many of the town’s dignitaries will be on hand for the grand reopening.

Light refreshments will be served, FOL’s members and library staff look forward to seeing you attend this event. Friends of the Library a 501-C3 charitable organization serves the library by providing additional resources and funding for a number of their operational functions throughout the year and will continue to offer this ongoing service for the foreseeable future. If you wish to become a member or volunteer to assist us in any way , with a number of our functions then you can either call the Dundee Library (863) 439-9424 speaking to a staff member or call Friends of the Library President Rukhsana Harper or better yet simply leave a message on the Friends of the Library Facebook page and a committee member will contact you accordingly .

Belated Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year …

The staff and volunteers of Dundee Library Florida take this opportunity to wish all of our valued guests and regular patrons a belated Merry Christmas, a peaceful and Prosperous New Year. May 2015, provide you with an abundance of riches and fulfilled goals this upcoming year.

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Julie Feagle, Library Superintendent ,
Dundee Library ,
Dundee Library , Florida ,.

Festive New Year

A Merry Christmas to our wonderful patrons and guests from various parts of the world !

The Dundee Municipal Offices including the Dundee Library will be closed on January 1st , 2015 but will reopen under normal operating hours (10.00 AM to 6.00 PM) on the 2nd January, 2015 . Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent . Have a Merry Christmas , a Peaceful and Safe Holiday Period . From the staff and volunteers of Dundee Library .

Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent
Dundee Library
Dundee , Florida

Dundee Library , Polk County , Florida

To our patrons and valued guests of the Dundee Library , please not that our hours of operation will be changing to coincide with the prolonged holiday period over Christmas. In order to accommodate your needs during this period , be advised the hours where the library will be opened for public use will be as stated below.

Note, with the Christmas Period being a prolong holiday extension the Dundee Library’s operational hours are now subject to change . Below are the times of our operations for the period . The Library will be closed on December 23rd , 24th , 25th , 26th & 27th . Reopening on the 29th December , 2014 with our usual hours of operation 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM . Any inquiries please do not hesitate to contact our staff for further information either by phone or e-mail . Tel # (863) 439-9424 E-mail : or, attention of Julie Feagle Library Superintendent .

From our staff, to you all, we wish you a Merry Christmas, a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year !

Julie Feagle , Library Superintendent
Dundee Public Library,
Dundee, Florida,

It’s your library and it’s here for you …..

It’s your library and it’s here for you.

The Dundee Library, is a small community library based in the town of Dundee, Florida and a part of the Polk County Library Cooperative . With a population of just over 3,200 residents, this small library plays a large part in the town’s daily life and provides a list of services beyond the borrowing of books , and DVD’s. Dundee’s Library is run by the ongoing Interim Library Director , Julie Feagle , who is ably assisted, by two part-time employees, Eileen Young and Carmen Limones . Beyond the lending of books to patrons, other services are also provided within, are a fax service , a licensed notary , photocopying and a kids’ story time ran by Mary Ann Podbielski on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM on the days in question, unless otherwise advised.


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Dundee’s community library also provides a safe haven for kids of all ages, and for their well-being, once having returned home from school. With operating hours from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM , Mondays to Friday and then opened on Saturday morning from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the afternoon . The library looks to provide an atmosphere, where the town’s residents and visiting patrons can make use of this facility as well getting meet the staff and make use of the other amenities offered . With fifteen computers available on the premises also, patrons can make use of the Wi-Fi system on offer , or should they decided to bring in their very own devices such as a laptop computer , E Book reader or tablet . All of this , comes free of charge, and all that is asked of the patrons, is that they refrain from seeking to surf the internet for objectionable material. Getting linked to the internet (worldwide web) is simple. However , the staff will always be on hand to provide any assistance that might be needed. We also have on hand a person who will provide any technical assistance need to guests and patrons having difficulties with any device, be it a smart-phone , laptop , note-book , Kindle or E-book reader, in guiding them through any technical difficulties, in gaining use of the internet .

The Dundee Library has always sought the input of its patrons, as well as acting in conjunction with the Polk County Library Cooperative and also our Friends of the Library Dundee Inc., a charitable organization made up of volunteers with a committed group of board members, who assist in fund-raising activities in order to provide funding for some of the library’s programs , beyond the budget afforded the library by the town commission . With ongoing fundraising to aid the library’s many needs over the course of the calendar year , book sales , and other activities are used part of that endeavor , including bake sales . Patrons and guests are asked to aid in any way that they can in the process.

Julie Feagle as the Library’s Director, has always sought the input of the guests and patrons and in that endeavor ,she will be introducing a basic computer skills’ class to assist guests and patrons alike, whose wish it is to learn more about the use not only of their media devices , but also how best to enjoy the internet and that of the skill s that the individuals in questions tend to have difficulties with.

As the town continues to grow, hopefully, so too, will the prospects of the library in adding to the town’s way of life and adding possible services. In earnest, we hope to get the full attention of the town, as we seek to provide a better environment and service possible for our guests and patrons. Suggestions, are sought, so please do not hesitate to contact Julie Feagle , Carmen Limones and Eileen Young, with any ideas that you may well have and believe will best suited to the ongoing betterment of the library and its services .



Julie Feagle and her staff, would like to now take this opportunity in thanking and welcoming you to the site and hope that the guests and patrons take the time offer up their thoughts on the library and the facilities available !

Picture and slideshow details below .


(1) Dundee Library and its facade in Dundee , Florida , in Polk County .

(2) A colorful facade of the Dundee Library located at 202 East Main St , Dundee , FL 33838 .

(3) Interim Library Director Julie Feagle and Dundee Town Manager Ryan Taylor , are seen here outside the town’s annexed facilities after a recent lightning strike that took place late last year at the rear entrance to the library and town hall . The local ABC Tampa television affiliate were on hand to interview both town employees about their first-hand experience of the incident . Both were shaken , but managed to stay composed in terms of their closeness to the proximity to the lightning strike . ==============================================


Follow Dundee Library Florida on Facebook and Twitter

Dundee Library, Florida ,

PO Box 1000 , (202 East Main Street) , Dundee, FL, 33838

Tel # 863-439-9424

E-mail :

Hours of business : Monday to Friday 10:00 to 6:00 PM

Saturday : 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM